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[Specialized Master in Transition Urbanism - Micromegas lab (ULB) & perspective.brussels]
Vernissage 02 02 2018 / Finissage 22 02 2018 @perspective.brussels
02 > 22 février 2018
Publié le 25 janvier 2018This exhibition gathers the studio work of the first students of the Specialized Master in Transition Urbanism and the student of Micromegas lab (ULB).
During one semester the students worked in collaboration with perspective.brussels, the BMA and the SAU on the industrial area of the Senne valley in the South of Brussels.
How to envision the future of this neighborhood at the border of Anderlecht an Forest and historically located within two streams of the Senne river?
Through a landscape urbanism strategy, an ambitious mobility plan and urban acupuncture projets, the students explored the future of economic activities in close connection with the social and with the ecosystems.
- Vernissage 02/02/2018 17h30-19h30 @ perspective.brussels
- Finissage 22/02/2018 17h30-19h30 @ perspective.brussels
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