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Urban projects
The territory of the Brussels-Capital Region is constantly developing. Learn more about our urban projects (French or Dutch)
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Urban issues
Housing, facilities, economy, land... perspective.brussels collects and analyses the data essential to the development strategy of the Region. Learn more about these urban issues (French or Dutch)
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Belgian context
Belgian context
Belgian institutional context
Since Belgium is a Federal State, the Regions have a great deal of autonomy in managing their own competences such as territorial planning. They are called upon to cooperate with each other and with the Federal Sate to manage matters of common interest.
The Brussels Region cooperates with the Walloon Region and the Flemish Region on certain areas or inter-regional projects, such as for example the redevelopment of the former NATO site. And it does so, even though in Belgium, there is as yet no structural metropolitan cooperation as is the case in other countries.
Belgian actions
Cooperation with the Belgian statistics system
As a regional statistics authority, the Brussels Institute for Statistics and Analysis (BISA) represents the Brussels-Capital Region within official statistical and economic bodies:
- on the Board of Directors and in the working groups of the Interfederal Statistical Institute (IIS), in particular as part of an integrated statistical programme, which defines the public statistics that the authorities wish to produce or improve collectively;
- on the Board of Directors and in the scientific committees of the Institute for National Accounts (INA);
- au Conseil d’administration et dans les comités scientifiques de l’Institut des Comptes Nationaux (ICN) ;
- at the Higher Council of Statistics (CSS).
Within the framework of its expert mission, the BISA conducts many projects with its Federal, Walloon and Flemish counterparts in order to produce joint statistics and analyses on Belgium, such as the annual publication of the Regional Economic Outlook. The BISA also contributes to several working groups beyond the regional borders, such as the Observatory of Cultural Policies in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation or the Labour Accounts working group of the FPS Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue.
Interregional cooperation on territorial planning
Since 2012, the Inter-regional Forum of information on territorial planning has brought together the administrations of the three Belgian regions to facilitate the exchange of information on planning policies and tools and discuss common issues. It has also been used to finance joint studies such as the Metropolitan Landscapes study.
Documents :
Community cooperation regarding school infrastructures in Brussels
The Wallonia-Brussels Federation, the Flemish Community and the Brussels-Capital Region have adopted investment plans to create new places in Brussels’ schools.
Within perspective.brussels, the School Service assesses the requirements in terms of creating places in the education system in the Brussels Region and facilitates the completion of projects with a view to increasing the school offering. In this respect, it works with the administrations of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, the French Community Commission (COCOF), the Flemish Community and the Flemish Community Commission (VGC).