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Brussels Urban Summit 2023: Register Now!
12 > 15 June 2023
Posted on 28 April 2023

From June 12 to 15, 2023, the Brussels Urban Summit will take place. Let's meet there?
Organized by the Brussels-Capital Region, Eurocities, Metropolis and the "OECD Champion Mayors for Inclusive Growth Initiative", the Brussels Urban Summit (BUS) will be a forum for exchange and debate on the challenges cities face and the solutions they can provide.
Over 50% of the world’s population now lives in urban areas. This trend towards urbanisation continues to intensify. The OECD predicts that by 2100, 85% of the planet’s population will live in cities. Cites are staging posts for providing solutions to the global issues related to urbanisation and climate change.
During 4 days, the Brussels Urban Summit will bring together more than 300 cities from all over the world and more than 1,000 experts, political and civil society representatives to exchange ideas. The objective is also to define priorities on 3 central themes for the future of cities and the world: inequality, climate change and diversity and migration.
The program includes plenary sessions, workshops, networking events, side events and site visits.
Three international conferences on cities will also take place there: the 14th MetropolisWorld Congress, the Eurocities Annual Conference and the sixth « Champion Mayors for Inclusive Growth Initiative van de OESO ».
The summit offers a unique opportunity to engage in a strategic global dialogue to help define our common urban future.
On this occasion, perspective.brussels will be present and will organize site visits, workshops and a convivial event.